Why Ralf Rangnick failed to live up to the hype at Manchester United

Ralf Rangnick, widely regarded as one of the pioneers of the modern pressing style of play, which has become increasingly popular in football in recent years, failed to turn things around at Old Trafford after coming into replace Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but why? Rangnick’s tactical approach emphasizes a high-pressing game, which requires players to pressContinue reading “Why Ralf Rangnick failed to live up to the hype at Manchester United”

English Premier League: End of Season Gradings (Part Three)

In Part Three of this series, we look at more Premier League teams to see if they failed or met expectations in the 2021/22 Premier League campaign. Leeds United (17th place) Leeds were almost hit with second-season syndrome this campaign as they struggled massively. To be fair to them, most of their poor results wereContinue reading “English Premier League: End of Season Gradings (Part Three)”

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