Unlocking the Past: How Australia’s History with Rent Controls Reveals a Path Forward for Affordable Housing

Rent controls may not be the hottest topic in politics right now, but they’re a big deal for almost 30% of us who rent our homes. With more folks struggling with poverty and homelessness, it’s really important to think about bringing back rent controls. But here’s the thing: recent talks between the government and theContinue reading “Unlocking the Past: How Australia’s History with Rent Controls Reveals a Path Forward for Affordable Housing”

Beyond the Voice to Parliament Referendum: Why Anthony Albanese’s Leadership Endures

The recent failure of the Voice to Parliament referendum has undoubtedly been a significant moment in Australian politics. Despite this setback, it’s important to recognize that the fate of Anthony Albanese’s time as Prime Minister is far from sealed. His leadership has brought positive changes to the nation, and shifting demographics suggest that a moreContinue reading “Beyond the Voice to Parliament Referendum: Why Anthony Albanese’s Leadership Endures”

The Imperative for Truth in Politics: Legislation to Ban Lying by Politicians and Political Campaigns in Australia in the Age of Trumpian Deception

The emergence of Trumpian-style politics, characterized by a casual relationship with the truth, has raised significant concerns about the role of honesty and accountability in democratic systems worldwide. Australia, like many other democracies, has not been immune to this phenomenon. This article explores the pressing need for legislation to ban lying by politicians and politicalContinue reading “The Imperative for Truth in Politics: Legislation to Ban Lying by Politicians and Political Campaigns in Australia in the Age of Trumpian Deception”

Embracing Stronger Ties: Australia’s Key Role in Cultivating Relations with China and the Asia-Pacific Region

In an interconnected world, fostering robust international relationships is not just a choice but a necessity. As the tides of global power continue to shift, Australia finds itself at a critical juncture, where embracing stronger cultural, political, and economic ties with China and the broader Asia-Pacific region holds immense significance. The potential benefits are vast,Continue reading “Embracing Stronger Ties: Australia’s Key Role in Cultivating Relations with China and the Asia-Pacific Region”

The rise of hate

Australia is known for its multiculturalism, with people from various ethnicities, races, and religions living harmoniously. However, despite being a country that values equality and diversity, there has been an alarming increase in hate and discrimination towards the transgender and LGBTQI community in recent years. This article will examine the growth of hate and discriminationContinue reading “The rise of hate”

Dutton, conservatives focus on Alice Springs is just weaponised white saviour complex

White savior complex refers to the belief held by some individuals from privileged communities that they are the only ones capable of saving oppressed people from their suffering. In Australia, this complex has often led to harmful interventions in the lives of Indigenous Australians. One of the most prominent examples is the Stolen Generations, aContinue reading “Dutton, conservatives focus on Alice Springs is just weaponised white saviour complex”

This week in politics

Opinion from Managing Director Daniel Lang on the week that was in Australian politics. Can Penny restore our friendship with Timor-Leste? Foreign affairs minister Penny Wong landed in Timor-Leste this week to begin cleaning up the mess left in the region from a near-decade of neglect and disinterest under the Liberal governments of Abbott, Turnbull,Continue reading “This week in politics”

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